| Global Leaders in ATP Cleaning Verification


Hygiena™ ATP Cleaning Verification Systems
help keep people safe, one surface at a time.

 How can healthcare facilities keep their patients 
and staff safe during a pandemic? 

Help your heroes feel safe at work and help your patients feel safe during their time at your facility. After months of troubling news headlines, and increasingly strict CDC and social distancing guidelines from the global COVID-19 pandemic, it will be difficult for staff and patients to feel safe. Now more than ever, the general population knows that visibly clean is not enough, and you need to prove that it is as clean as it looks. You will need to build back the trust in your patients so that they will feel comfortable coming in for elective and medical procedures. 

 How Can Hygiena Help. 

Helping you provide patients, doctors, nurses, staff, and partners the peace of mind that your efforts to keep them safe are working is our number one priority.

ATP testing has been trusted and relied upon by NASA, the FDA, USDA, and hospitals to verify cleanliness for decades. Our system is backed by third-party studies and validations, and designed to be the smartest and most user-friendly way to monitor cleaning efficacy and prevent HAIs available.

 What is ATP Cleaning Verification? 

Hygiena™ ATP Cleaning Verification Systems help organizations achieve optimal standardized cleaning levels. They use bioluminescence technology to identify and measure adenosine triphosphate, commonly known as ATP. This measurement objectively determines from a microbiological level if a surface has been cleaned properly and is safe for use.

 Components of Hygiena's ATP Cleaning Verification System. 

There are three main components of Hygiena's ATP Cleaning Verification System, each designed to be the easiest and most efficient way to monitor cleanliness.

 How does it work? 

EnSURE™ Touch is a handheld device that rapidly measures organic residue on surfaces. In just 10 seconds, the system identifies Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) that exists in all organic matter - mucus, saliva, any bodily fluids, food residue - and gives a numerical value of how much contamination is on a surface, combined with a Pass/Fail notification.

 Where can you use it? 

ATP Cleaning Verification can be used anywhere cleanliness matters. We understand that each facility, practice, floor, room, process, and protocol is different and have created our products to be used in a wide array of situations.

Hygiena's products are designed to be used after cleaning, and before sanitizing, to provide you peace of mind that your surfaces have been cleaned properly and all bioburden has been removed before your sanitizing step.

The CDC provides a list of recommended test locations, which include but are not limited to:

  • Bed control
  • Bed rail
  • Phone and call button
  • Light switch
  • Sink top
  • Flush handle
  • TV remote
  • Door knobs
  • Tray table
  • Call boxes
  • Telephones
  • Bedside tables
  • Patient chair
  • IV pole
  • Sink handle
  • Handrails
  • Toilet seat
  • Flush handle
  • Bedpan cleaning equipment
  • IV pump control
  • Monitor control panel
  • Touchscreens
  • Ventilator controls

 Global. Direct Support. Seriously. 

Hygiena's global support network is available 24/7, customers receive the best customer support, no matter the time of day.